2025 Bed Race Teams
A lottery took place on 12th March 2025 to draw the following teams.
Bed numbers will be added closer to the race.
Start No | Team Name | Category |
1 | G H Brooks men | Mf |
2 | Knaresborough Striders Men | Mfc |
3 | Nidd Valley Men's | Mfc |
4 | Harrogate Harriers Quite Fast Men | Mfc |
5 | The Half Moon Pub | Mf |
6 | Ripon Runners Men's Team | Mfc |
7 | parkrunners | Xf |
8 | Riverside Runners | Mf |
9 | Crag Rats | Mf |
10 | St John Fisher's Catholic High School | Mf |
11 | Live For Today - Dream Team | JMf |
12 | Ripon Runners Ladies | Ffc |
13 | Knaresborough RUFC | Mf |
14 | Guardian Alarms | Mf |
15 | Scotton Scorchers | Mf |
16 | Wetherby Runners | Mfc |
17 | Stockeld Stags | Mf |
18 | Knaresborough Striders Ladies | Ffc |
19 | Hymas Hobblers (Old Guys!) | Mf |
20 | Kings of the Castle | Mf |
21 | Nidd Valley Mixed Fast | Xfc |
22 | Welly Wheelies | Ff |
23 | G H Brooks counter crew | Me |
24 | HACS 2 | Mf |
25 | HACS 1 | Me |
26 | DOGS (Dads of Goldsborough School) | Me |
27 | Knaresborough Striders Mixed Team 1 | Xfc |
28 | Knaresborough Striders Mixed Team 2 | Xfc |
29 | Synergy Car Leasing | Men |
30 | Nidd Valley Mixed Medium | Xfc |
31 | Squashed Hearts | Ff |
32 | Welly Wheelettes | Ff |
33 | Bobby Dazzlers | Xf |
34 | The Rocket Men | Me |
35 | Harrogate Early Bird Run Crew | Xf |
36 | The Wanderers | Me |
37 | Piccadilly Players | Me |
38 | King James's School | Xf |
39 | KJS Sixth Form | Me |
40 | Year 10 kjs | JMf |
41 | Menwith Hill | Me |
42 | North Yorkshire Police | Xe |
43 | Energyline | Xe |
44 | Aspin Avengers | Xe |
45 | Piston Broke | Xe |
46 | DMfitness | Xe |
47 | Nidd Valley Juniors | JXfc |
48 | Knaresborough Revolution | Me |
49 | Saint Michael's Hospice | Xe |
50 | Fountains Abbey and Brimham Rocks | Xe |
51 | Knaresborough St John's Parents | Xe |
52 | Knaresborough St John's Teachers | Xe |
53 | Tewit Youth Band | JXe |
54 | Piccadilly Plodders | Xe |
55 | Knaresborough Air Cadets | Xe |
56 | Early Bird Run Crew (EBRC) Knaresborough | Xe |
57 | Aspin Park Academy Parents | Xe |
58 | Aspin Park Academy Staff | Xe |
59 | MOGS (Mums of Goldsborough School) | Ff |
60 | Harrogate Round Table | Me |
61 | Harrogate Symphony Orchestra | Xe |
62 | Knaresborough Silver Band | Me |
63 | Midlife Crisis | Me |
64 | The DONRS (The Dads Of North Rigton School) | Men |
65 | The Track & Sleeper | Mfn |
66 | Harrogate District Swimming Club | JXfn |
67 | 1st Scriven Scout Group | JMe |
68 | Early Bird Fun Crew | Xe |
69 | Badgered Into Running | Xf |
70 | Meadowside Masters | Xe |
71 | Meadowside Mavericks | Xe |
72 | Harrogate Neighbours | Men |
73 | N64 | Men |
74 | North Yorkshire Horizons | Xe |
75 | Switalskis Solicitors | Xe |
76 | Titan Wealth | Xe |
77 | Armed Forces Fitness | Xe |
78 | Fontus | Me |
79 | The Athletics Checks | Xen |
80 | Knaresborough Celtic FC | Xe |
81 | Homesense | Xen |
82 | Red Dogs Bebra | Xen |
83 | Team Tom Gordon | Xen |
84 | Twisted Blisters | Xe |
85 | Innovate Fitness & Wellbeing | Fe |
86 | Mowbray Magic | Xe |
87 | Manor preschool | Xe |
88 | Brew York | Xen |
89 | ENGIE Supply & Zarach | Xen |
90 | Vp Finance Team | Xen |
- Mf
- Male fast
- Mf
- Female fast
- Xf
- Mixed fast
- JMf
- Junior Male fast
- Me
- Male entertaining
- Fe
- Female entertaining
- Xe
- Mixed entertaining
- JX
- Junior Mixed
- n
- New